Gopro Settings
GoPro settings and notes
[ Updated 02-25-23 | Created 02-25-23 ]
Helmet/hat cam POV
- Capture general view
- Capture others
- Not great for capturing first-person action sports (ski/cycling)
16:9, 5.3K, 24FPS (30 may have been a better choice)
- Linear - a little too cropped for my liking
- Wide - Slight distortion, but doesn’t look unnatural
- SuperView - Too much distortion (ex. passing skiiers)
- HyperView - Not going to even bother trying
16:9 vs 8:7 - undecided for this angle. Will test more.
- Capture first-person action sports
- Great for sports (shows handlebars when cycling, skis/arms/poles when skiing, etc)
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