Windows Recall - Breaking Point

Microsoft's privacy violations reach a new level of outrageous.


Windows Recall has been in the headlines these past couple of weeks. Essentially, Microsoft wants to integrate first-party OS-level spyware that takes periodic snapshots of a user’s computer as a convenience “feature”. Worse still, the snapshots are stored on-device and can be easily parsed with open-source scripts. For brevity’s sake, I’ll assume you understand the privacy and security implications of such a “feature”.

If I was still using Windows (outside of my company-provided laptop), Recall would be my breaking point with the OS if not at very least a wake-up call to start searching elsewhere. Although I dislike Windows and its rampant telemetry, start menu ads and more, I have been willing to use it when absolutely necessary; however, the notion that the intended function of the OS is to persistently snoop on my entire computing session is a nonstarter.

As technology evoles and digital data becomes more valuable and sought after, users give up more of their data bit by bit. There have been many privacy and security implications which have prevented me from adopting or fully utilizing technology in the past, but Recall takes the cake thus far. I would opt to not use a device which has Recall whether the “feature” active or not (unless there is a certain way to ensure it always remains disabled, even after update).

Microsoft has temporarily recalled the Recall build of Winodws 11, though this does not mean it has been cancelled. Perhaps it will be tucked away like Manifest V3, but only time will tell.


As an aside, today was WWDC 2024. Apple has introduced their “Apple Intelligence” (“AI” - get it?) features for the upcoming versions of macOS/iOS. I don’t have a formed opinion on this yet, but the most generous first impression I can provide is that I do not see myself using it. At least macOS finally gets tiling quite a few years too late.


Tagged: Privacy Security Technology